New Year’s Resolutions the Montessori Elementary Classroom

December 21, 2015

When my Montessori elementary class returns from winter break, we usually begin the new year by discussing the tradition of making resolutions. Together, we talk about what a New Year’s resolution is, what it means to set goals, and whether the students set goals with their families. As a group, we set resolutions for our classroom, determining the goals we should all work on. Students are also invited to set individual goals.

Classroom Goals

Respect the peacefulness of our classroom by working quietly
Respect the orderliness and cleanliness of the classroom
Include everyone during recess
Encourage each other to try our best and use excellence

Individual Goals

Try to print more neatly
Remember to organize the page properly and form letters correctly
Use excellence in my work
Practice patience and kindness with my friends

Some years, we have focused our resolutions on developing leadership within the class and the school as a whole. We begin by brainstorming what it means to be a good leader. I then invite the students to make a group poster, outlining what leadership means to them. Working on a canvas or on poster paper, the students take turns writing their statements and decorating them. When they are finished, they all sign their names on the poster as a commitment to becoming leaders. The posters differ each year with each new group of students, but the heart of the message is always similar.

As LEADERS, we will:

end a helping hand.
ncourage others.
lways do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
emonstrate kindness and compassion.
xcel and take pride in our work.
espect each other, our environment, and ourselves.
how pride in our families, our culture, our school, and ourselves.

The beginning of January is a wonderful time for students to reflect on their efforts and their progress as individuals and as a class. It is also a good time for them to set goals for what they would like to improve and for what they would like to achieve during the rest of the year.
Julie — NAMC Tutor & Graduate
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